When two artists collaborate with a singular vision but two different explanations, the result is just that! In Genesis it says: יהי רקיע בתוך המים, “let there be a horizon in the midst of the waters.” There was HaShem’s first creative act, creating a separation between the upper and lower waters…..and…..in Torah, Ha-makom is “the place” where Jacob rests for the night and dreams of a ladder. He encounters HaShem through angels and receives the Brit (our covenant.) Ha-Makom is also a metaphorical name for Hashem. In our study of the mikvah we came to understand that it is not only a geographical place and space. It isn’t just about completing a ritual. Rather it is the location for a spiritual and holy experience; a place to cleanse, heal, and re-emerge. Our ladder of letters and flowing silk is a reminder of our Brit, our covenant with HaShem. בָּרוּךְ הַמָּקוֹם, בָּרוּךְ הוּא. Blessed is Ha-Makom , Blessed is Hashem.
These waters co-mingle flowing through HaShem’s Creation and gift us middot/intentions which are represented but the godly characteristics we should pursue. We ask visitors to take a word and think about how one might embody this trait.
I cut the letters and fused them extra hot so the edges would become wavy. Diane painted silk in varigated blues. The glass letters were mounted on a sheet of plexiglass we had custom cut and bent in order to accomodate a small glass dish embedded with copper. The steam spills into and beyond this dish because God cannot be contained but is everflowing and manifesting beyone what we can humanly perceive. Glass nuggets are there for the taking. Each contains a middah (intention.)

Thank you Diane Fredgant! You are an amazing artist and a dear friend. Working with you taught me a great deal and I am most grateful!