There were two highlights (ok...three!)
1. A large glass case with lots and lots of beautiful coldworked glass....AND, calling my name was.... a stunning piece by Toots Zynski. If you've never seen her work, I recommend you visit this youtube site. Slender glass stingers (finer than raw angel hair pasta!) fused together, then slumped. Fragile in appearance, the vessel is thicker than I would have guessed. Attractive from a distance...but up close, her work is absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful. ....sigh!
2. Alexander Calder. I was especially touched to see his portrait on display, taken by none other than Arnold Newman. Arnold Newman, of blessed memory was an amazing photographer and this portrait spoke volumes about Calder. As the mobiles gently moved, they cast ever-changing shadows on the walls.
3. A room featuring BEADS!!!!! I don't want to get started on my usual rant about how the Arts World has seen fit to segregate "fine art" from "fine crafts". Fortunately SAM doesn't engage in that kind of thinking.
The bead exhibit was lovely and elevated the status of beads and bead making to its rightful place.
Sadly, it was time to go home so I didn't have time to visit the Michaelangelo exhibit.....but then, I have been to the Sistene Chapel. On display were a handful of drawings that somehow escaped going up in smoke. Apparently, he burned most of his drawings !
I will say that art is clearly in the eye of the beholder. There were pieces I wouldn't display in my garage and astonishing works that provoke humility and awe. What a gift to spend a few hours with such pieces!
Oh, the Calder piece below is small enough to rest on the palm of your hand! Thank you google images.
I hope it's not a copyrighted image...I just want y'all to know what I'm talking about!