Monday, August 17, 2020

How Embarrassing!

 I can't believe that MONTHS have gone by without a single post! 


What have I been doing all this time?

What haven't I been doing all this time?


I am happy to announce that I have been busy. Really busy!

I've been teaching Bar and Bat Mitzvah students over Zoom.  I've been sorting through photographs (true confession: I haven't finished!), I've been playing guitar with my husband who plays bass, I've been leading services for a local assisted living facility, and I've been spending a lot of time at various Zoom meetings. The up side of Zooming is that you can't beat the commute!

I didn't follow through on cleaning out my studio, and other than making a few new tallit clips as gifts for my students....I haven't made much art. 

I have been thinking a lot about COVID, a lot about upcoming elections, a lot about black lives matter, and a lot about future glass projects.

Last month I worked with wonderful ORA artist Wendy Russell, who just moved to South Carolina (silently weeping here!) to present a Zoom workshop to other ORA artists about goal setting, logo design/branding, and taking action. 

As a result, I was able to be my own student. In the few weeks since that workshop I have gotten an "art buddy", I have clarified my own short term goals, and I am working on a project that that has captured my heart. Will it work? Maybe! But my enthusiasm has been renewed. I'll post specifics when I can. In the meantime, I will certainly be more mindful about tending to this blog.

Please stay tuned!

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