Monday, September 23, 2024

Two New Commissions Completed!

I've been busy! While I was away on my wonderful trip I received an email asking if i could accept a commission. The due date was something I could accommodate so I agreed. It was a fun project and hopefully the gift was appreciated! It has copper wire hooks. The clear background allows the wall color to come through. It could also be hung in a window!
The second commission was challenging because of the very short turn-around time. That said, it was such a pleasure to make it for a very special person I have known for a very long time. It is designed for a window display, allowing light to come through the spaces around the tiny dichroic beads in the center of the pomegranate. There are four hebrew words that surround the bead (seeds). They translate to Love, Honor, Respect, ALL OF US!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Subotica Synagogue, part 2

This is a side window in the balcony...quite lovely don't you think? I got a close up view. The craftsmanship is flawless. Below is a window at the back of the balcony. This is an exceptional piece of work!
No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you! These side seats in the balcony are stairstepped. There are no bad views up here!!! Each seat has a lockbox where you can keep your prayerbook, tallit, etc.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Subotica Synagogue Interior part 1

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Subotica Serbia Synagogue Glass and more!

This is a remarkable synagogue. It was given to the City of Subotica (pronounce Soo-boh-tih-tza) a few years ago because the maintenance expense was just too great for the 200 Jews who live in the area. This town was once part of Yugoslavia. The restoration of the building cost the government over 2 million Euros. It serves now as a museum and concert space most of the year, but is used for high holiday services. It is the second largest synagogue in Europe. It was designed by a Hungarian architect JAKAB, DEZSÖ who wanted to build a Temple Palace. It is an extraordinaty piece of architecture that feels less palatial and more of an inviting space for prayer. It is quite showy and extravagant. It's something I think the Jews of the area wanted as a show piece...kind of a "we're Jews, we're here, we can create beautiful with it." There were seats for 950 men and 530 seats for women. Touring the building now, it isn't clear which area was which...there is no obvious mechitzah. Stay tuned for interior shots...probably tomorrow!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Fancy Door!

I love creative/artistic doorways. This is the entrance to an apartment building in central Subotica, Serbia. Ok, there is no colorful glass, but there is glass and it fits in beautifully with this design!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sarajevo City Hall Glass

City Hall in Sarajevo is a remarkable building. It was built in the 1890's. In 1992 this Moorish inspired building came under artillery fire and and building sustained severe damage. The library contained within the building was completely destroyed. Initial repairs funded by Austria began in 1996 and later in 1999 THhe European Commission paid for some additional structural support. As is typical in cases of emergency repairs, these repairs were done in a hurry without sufficient planning. The building was closed and effectively sealed, creating a very dry enviroment that ultimately caused even more damage to the facade and the roof! Long story shortened...City government became dedicated to the restoration of the building.The World Monuments Watch became involved. More funding came from several European countries and the building reopened in 2014. This is my second visit to this astonishing building and my second time in this amazing city. I hope to return. The stained glass dome hovers over the circular lobby at the entrance to the building. THe basement contains a museum documenting the violence that was brought to this beautiful city. Sarajevo is alive and proudly proclaims it's recovery efforts after the many tragic events that occured there.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Not Glass, but impressive Art

This is also in the same area as the glass I posted yesterday. This is a Tree of Life sculpture in the "back yard" of the Douhany Street Synagogue in Budapest. Each metal leaf is inscribed with the nae of someone who perished during the Holocaust. May their memories be for a blessing ...Z"L

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I've Been Traveling!

Well, it's been awhile since I have posted! Blogger isn't letting me upload my I need to take a breath and figure out how to resolve this. I've been to Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary, Serbia, and Italy. Now that I am back I want to share the glass windows I saw along the way... so stay tuned!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Other Time/Money Sucks


My graphic fails to register the insane # of hours it takes, let alone money to prep for an art show!

Prepping for a show takes a lot of work. If you are one of the organizers, it requires weeks if not months of meetings, phone calls, emails...and even more !

If you are just a participant you not only need to create the art you hope to sell, you also need to price it, create professional looking tags, wrap, and price each piece. Depending on your work you may also need to invest in special bags, paper, and/or bubble wrap.

Set up is often the day of the show and you must adjust for the space you are assigned. You'll need a booth in some instances, table cloths, display units, and potentially, a sign.

Advertising may be done buy the sponsoring group but you also need to reach out to your mailing list!

When pricing, you need to take into consideration the cost for being in the show as well as a 2.6% credit card fee + 10 cents per transaction. Some credit card fees are higher!...and then there's the time it takes to close out a show, packing up what's left as well as your displays, etc. In my case, each piece of glass has to be wrapped carefully so they don't break on their return home.

These are the hidden elements most customers don't realize. If you add up the time artists spend on work just to market and sell their items we probably make about 3 cents an hour, if we're lucky!

But we do it..because making art gives us joy...and eventually we figure out a few short cuts that might bring us up to a nickel an hour!

Friday, March 29, 2024

More Judaica!

The Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education will be hosting ORA Northwest Jewish Artists on April 7th from 11a-4p. It's a free admission day at the museum and will also feature an amazing exhibit called The Burned Piano.

I'll be selling a good bit of Judaica as well as my masked featured in earlier posts. This is one of my simple Hanukkiot...

Most folks call these menorahs, but menorahs hold seven candles. A Hanuikkiah holds 8 candles plus the Shamash (a lead candle.) 

Come see me...I'll be there all day!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Oh Lucy, I'm Home!


I Love Lucy! Yes, that was the name of her television show....but I love Lucy! 

Lucille Ball was not a compliant woman, at a time when women were expected to be agreeable and do what their husbands told them to do. 

My tribute to Lucy includes a chocolate heart necklace and earring (resin shaped to look like chocolate. That's a nod to a fabulously comedic episode where Lucy and Ethel work on an assembly line in a chocolate;late factory. Her other earring is a bottle of Vitameatavegamin which she was sampling repeatedly as she was being filmed for a tv commercial. Apparently this miracle supplement had a high alcohol content, so with each spoonful, she became increasingly drunk. Hysterical!!!!

Lucille was an elegant woman who wasn't afraid to  "act out'. Her over shirt is made from my mother's old lace table cloth. My mom and I used to watch reruns of this show in the 60's.... Mom would approve!

The pink heart was needle felted and bears her initials LB in rhinestones.

What can I say? I love Lucy!!!!! Come see her for yourself at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education on April 7th from 11a-4p! FREE ADMISSION to the museum and our show!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

A Tribute to Harpo!


As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I only make masks of individuals I wouldn't mind inhabiting space on my walls. Harpo is one of those characters who remind me how important it is to be silly and laugh!

As a child, I delighted in watching Marx Brothers movies on tv. I still do!
Harpo was the most musically talented of all the brothers...and could make people laugh without uttering a word!

His hat is made of felt with green sparkles that match his eyes. His time is made of needle felted wool and the harp is a sticker I found.  His hair? Dolls hair from a local craft store....and yes, it's a real bike horn!

He'll be available for purchase at the ORA Artist A-Z sale at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education on April 7th.... Thanks 11a-7p ! Come see me...more importantly, come see him. I think he's kinda cute!


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

MASK TIME!!!! Caricatures in Fused Glass


I have such fun making fused glass caricature  "masks". I'm prepping for a 1-day art show @ the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education on April 7th (11a-4p). The museum is generously sponsoring ORA Northwest Jewish Artists in our ORA Artists A-Z show. 

I'm in the process of finishing my third mask that I'll be selling that day. Albert is the first mask I want to share with you all.

I am always optimistic that they will sell, but my rule of thumb is to only create masks of folks I am happy to live with on my own walls.

Albert was made awhile back ...but I wasn't ready to part with him. Although I am still quite attached, I am ready to say goodbye if someone wants him...and I am also happy to keep him.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

More frames


I forgot to take photos of the frames before the addition of the photos....OOOOPS! I don't have permission to show faces so....the faces have been "masked" to protect privacy.  This one says Mishp'cha or mishpocheh (in Yiddish) which means Family.

And this reads: "I am my beloved's...and my beloved is mine" from the Song of  Songs

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

It's a frame up!


Framing up!

A lovely young couple received one of my gift certificates from friends  Their friends imagined a menorah or a seder plate, but the couple wanted special frames built for three of their wedding photos.

The photo above shows Hebrew lettering pasted onto copper foil. The lettering spells a beautiful saying from Song of Songs: "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." Frame #2 will say Mishp'cha which means "family", and the third reads "Ahavah" which means "love" posted below. Once I cut these letters out, I soak them in soapy water and dry them with Q-tips. When the glass is cut they are sandwiched between a layer of opaque and clear glass. Under intense heat the copper color turns a deep burgundy and sometimes has hints of blue.

Below you can see the frame about to be fired for round one. The top temperature will be about 1425 degrees fahrenheit. It's clear glass capping white. The glass is in the kiln for its 14 hour heat bath as I write this.  Tomorrow I will add a branch to the two sides with small leaves (the green stuff next to the frame) . It'll go back into the kiln for about 16-18 hours tomorrow with those embellishments.  I'll post again when all three have been finished...but without the wedding pictures. The couple deserves their privacy.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Yikes! It's 2024!


I haven't written anything in a couple of months...OOOPS!

I've been busy filling commission orders and haven't really had the time to write about my work.

Above are pictures of 2 new gnome commissions that I'm pretty happy with. What do you think?

Here in Portland we have been blanketed in sub-freezing temperatures, snow and ice for almost a week. Today the temperature is above freezing but freezing rain and a temperature drop are predicted to hit in just about an hour. 

While it is the perfect time to focus on cleaning up my studio, inertia has grabbed a hold of me. Maybe later today?

Meanwhile, I am sketching ideas for a future project and helping our artist guild ORA plan some new events. That just seems like more fun than cleaning! 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Hanukkiah or Menorah?


There is often confusion about what to call this ritual item that eventually holds 8 candles and a 9th lead candle. Most folks call it a menorah...but technically the menorah holds only 7 candles.

Hanukkah is a festival lasting 8 days. Each day succeeding candles are lit: 1 for day #1, 2 for day #2, etc..... The candles are lit from a lead candle also known as a shamash. This candle holder is not a menorah but a hanukkiah.

I've made two additional ones which will be available for purchase at the MJCC here in Portland Oregon, tomorrow! Our Marketplace event will only be open through Friday Dec.1

Come check out my table...and all the other amazing artists!

Each of these has silicone feet. Candles are not included!

New Works/ Hanukkah MarketPlace


I don't know why I keep forgetting to post on this blog! Oh Well...I'm here now!

This is my table area at the MJCC (Portland Oregon). ORA has a Hanukkah MarketPlace event all week. In addition to my tallit clips, garden stakes, seder plates and quilted glass, I will be adding menorahs to the display starting this afternoon !

I'll post photos later this evening.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

It's About Time!


Twenty +...yes...20 + years ago we renovated our kitchen area. We had a curio cabinet installed and I asked the contractor to leave space for my own windows. 

Inertia, perfectionism, laziness, forgetfulness...more inertia, more perfectionism, more laziness and finally "What the Heck!!!!...just do it ! (to coin a much over-used phrase.)

I'm not getting any younger! I decided to opt for an easy solution. I used Bullseye Tekta and tack-fused blue and clear confetti . That's it! 

How silly that it took that long to do something so simple, so basic!